2020 has been an impactful year for consumer behavior. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are paying much closer attention to brands’ messaging, especially their tone and promises to be a supportive partner during uncertain times. Additionally, consumers are less trusting of brands that focus on direct sales pitches, preferring to do business with brands who align themselves with the customer’s best interest. In short, your website messaging matters, and we at Dealer Spike want to help you create content that converts online visitors into repeat customers. 

Replace Direct Sales Pitches with Educational Content

You’re already the expert at your dealership, and now is the time to be the expert online too by delivering knowledge to your website visitors. You may be questioning the value of releasing educational content to your audience for free, but keep in mind that it’s an investment. Consumers are 131% more likely to purchase from a brand after reading their educational content, and even as much as a week later are still 48% more willing to buy (Conductor).

Maintaining a blog on your website is an excellent resource to provide your website visitors with educational content--and as a bonus, the regular creation of new content will help your website achieve better search rankings. 

Be Mindful of Your Message

As mentioned earlier, consumers are paying close attention to brand messaging, and it’s more important than ever for dealerships to be cognizant of their customers’ situations. Depending on where your dealership is located geographically, your customers may still be adhering to stay-at-home orders or practicing social distancing. Messages that center around traveling for vacation or visiting the dealership may not be what your audience is looking for yet.

Consumers appreciate brands that lead with their humanity instead of sounding “corporate.” Website copy that’s infused with empathy and transparency will hold greater appeal for your customers, as it demonstrates that you understand their situation and want to form genuine connections.

Know Your Customers’ Search Intent 

“Search intent” is the purpose behind an online user typing a query into the search bar. Search engine algorithms interpret the intent of the query and generate a list of relevant websites. By aligning your website content with online users’ search queries, you have a better chance of ranking highly in search results, increasing the number of leads who find your website. This means your website should feature copy about units, pricing, your contact information and “how-to’s,” such as “how to choose finance an RV” or “how to choose the right mower for my lawn acreage” (again, this is where a blog would come in handy).

Once online leads locate your website, they need to be able to find the most important information within a few clicks or else they may become discouraged and try a different site. To ensure your website content is user-friendly, imagine for a moment that you’re an online shopper who has never visited your dealership before and is browsing your website for the first time. How informative is your website copy? How quickly can you locate the dealership’s contact hours, pricing information, lead forms and listings of specific units? By ensuring that your website copy answers the questions your leads will have, you can help your online visitors advance through the buying cycle and greatly improve your lead conversion rate.

For more information about creating website content that increases your lead conversions, contact Dealer Spike today.