Google gets a lot of attention in the world of digital marketing, and for good reason. Here at Dealer Spike, we’re big fans of the search engine – in fact, we are Google Premier Partners. However, there is an uncomprehendingly massive online world outside of search engines like Google, and it deserves some attention too. Beyond Search Engine Optimization & Marketing (SEO & SEM), Targeted Digital Advertising strategies can serve as effective ways to reach likely prospects both online and offline.

Website Retargeting is probably the most recognizable tool for dealers who have considered expanding their digital marketing efforts. This allows your business to stay in touch with people who have already visited your website. As they navigate to other sites, ads appear that encourage those past visitors to return. They can even show the units on your website that the past website visitor was looking at. A potential customer who is in the market might forget about the exact unit they were considering, or they could forget which particular dealership website they were browsing. Website Retargeting ads serve as helpful reminders and take them back to their prospective purchase.

Behavioral Targeting is a bit more advanced and even more strategic in its pursuit of your perfect prospects. It’s important to remember that those in the market for units like those you sell at your dealership are most likely conducting research before they even look for a unit to purchase online. For example, if someone is considering an RV purchase they are likely looking into the types of trips they could take with an RV as well as what RV features they may need for the camping destinations they are interested in. While prospects are browsing sites for topics like these, ads for your dealership as well as specific units that you carry could be exactly the solution they are looking for. Behavioral Targeting focuses on both keywords and search queries that online users utilize on industry-related sites. This strategy can even put you in the position to reach your perfect prospects first, before they have done any online browsing for units like yours at all.

Video advertising is another Targeted Digital Advertising method that takes your marketing strategy beyond the search engine. These can come in two forms – video ads that pop up for online users on websites and while using apps, as well as OTT/CTV advertising that delivers video ads to people streaming video through digitally-connected devices. Video is attention-grabbing and incredibly engaging, so it’s not surprising that this type of advertising drives impressive results.

Last but not least, Geofence Targeting is a hot topic among advertisers. This strategy allows you to draw a virtual map around any location and serve digital ads to visitors using their smartphones in that location – during the visit and for up to 30 days post-visit. The possibilities are endless with Geofence Targeting, but some of the most strategic locations to select include popular industry-related stores and event centers in town, neighborhoods and businesses with a known or likely interest in the units you sell, and most of all, your local competing dealerships.

Targeted Digital Advertising methods stretch your dealership’s digital efforts beyond search engine strategies. People spend so much time online in today’s world that it is more effective to broaden your reach to additional platforms both online and offline. While online search does play a huge role in prospective customers discovering your business, don’t discount other opportunities to make a digital connection.