Tap Into The Minds Of Your Customers With Social Media

Aug. 9 2016 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

Social Media Examiner recently shared a fun infographic about 3 ways to use psychology in your social media marketing strategy. We think they're genius - so we thought we'd share them with you today:

  1. Gifts can encourage responsiveness.

    “If you give people something they find valuable, they'll typically feel indebted to you,- the infographic reads.

    "This doesn't have to be a spendy giveaway" it could be a gift with purchase that is of no cost to you, or a downloadable inspection guide for one of your units.

    "Offer something that's valuable to your audience, while ensuring that they give you something in return."

    - If you do choose to do a big giveaway with a unit or expensive part, it could be a very successful marketing tactic. Be sure to have participants share or engage with your dealership on social media so that your business is also benefitting from your generosity.

    Posting useful and share-worthy information on social media or other resources, such as a blog, can also be considered a gift. If your followers enjoy it, that will encourage responsiveness as well.

  2. Connect with your audience on an emotional level to create an authentic relationship.

    Interact with your followers in a meaningful way. Raise awareness about a cause, or ask your audience for their opinion on an issue or topic.

    Try using wit and humor in your social media posts. Cater to the kind of humor your audience likes - sarcasm isn't always the best method. Check with your team members to make sure your humor doesn't come off rudely or offensively.

    Identify past social media posts or marketing topics that have received the most attention with comments, likes, or shares, and try to utilize that content again. For example, turn a longer-form, informational blog post into a video.

    React to your followers' comments and questions - not only the ones that are directed at you but also those that are exchanged between your followers. Be part of the conversation.

    Put a face and personality to your business by sharing and creating things that are true to your company's values and interests. Be transparent and stay true to your dealership's business culture, rather than just postings things that you think will be popular.

  3. Form partnerships that point to your credibility.

    Associate your business with people or brands that your audience already knows and trusts. Brainstorm influencers who could help promote you - other local businesses? A public figure who has purchased from you before?

    Establish strategies with influencers that could motivate social media engagement - maybe a guest post on social media from a local spokesperson, or a cross-promotion between your dealership and another company that shares similar customers. Capture new audience members and build credibility that leads to trust and more conversation surrounding your dealership.