Your Social Media Strategy Needs YouTube – Here’s Why

Feb. 8 2018 Guest Blog By Dealer Spike

It can be easy to forget about YouTube when it comes to social media channels. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, you’re not posting a status or update about your dealership. While a post on Instagram may take seconds, a video posted on YouTube takes much more time and effort. You may even wonder what kind of content your dealership could post about on YouTube – would people be interested in watching your videos? 

The answer is yes, and the reality is that YouTube is a gold mine for marketing your dealership. For starters, a few facts and statistics: 

Aside from the fact that YouTube sees an incredibly high rate of consumption, particularly among younger generations (your future buyers), it’s also a great resource to pinpoint target audiences likely to be interested in your products. Similar to other advertising platforms like Google and Facebook, YouTube gives advertisers the ability to target specific audience members based on region, demographics, and more. Search history and other behavioral details can also be tapped into to find potential customers on the platform. 

YouTube offers analytics for advertisers that can go from basic to advanced, depending on how deep users want to dive into results – impressions, click-through rates, bounce rates, conversions, and more. While these would be close to impossible to track with a TV commercial (and a commercial would be much more expensive to produce), YouTube’s analytics software makes it easy to keep track of results for advertisers. 

In addition to running ads for your dealership and targeting those ads to local audience members likely in the market, creating short videos showing the features and capabilities of your RV units is also a beneficial strategy for your social media efforts. People are highly visual, and 64% of online users are more likely to buy a product after watching a video (Hubspot). YouTube provides a platform to upload and store your videos, and maintaining a presence on this channel will help optimize your dealership’s visibility on search engines. You can repurpose your videos by including them in a variety of marketing resources – some options including social media posts on other platforms, your website, or embedded in e-newsletters to customers. 

YouTube itself is free, and creating short videos that promote your inventory can be very simple. Ad spend on the platform is scalable to fit any budget, and YouTube is so popular that it would be foolish not to target this vast number of viewers, many of which could be prospective customers. Do your business a favor and start your dealership’s YouTube channel today.