Summer is here! 

And so is the rush to buy a bike, RV, trailer, boat, etc. to enjoy the warm weather. 

With the hustle and bustle of summer selling, in addition to the continued scarcity of available inventory, it’s easy to get distracted or overwhelmed. If you are struggling to prioritize your goals and maintain your productivity, Dealer Spike proposes the following eight tips to help you stay on track: 

Identify Your Top Goals at the Start of Your Day

Name 1-3 things you want to achieve today and write them down as a to-do list or place them around your dealership as inspirational notes. Setting a small number of achievable goals each day helps you stay focused and boosts your feeling of productivity at the end of your work day. 

Start with Your Least Favorite Task

We all have that one work chore that we don’t enjoy quite as much as our other tasks, maybe because it’s time-consuming, difficult or a little tedious. Tackle this task first, when you have the most energy. When it’s finished, you can spend the rest of your day focusing on the work you enjoy! 

Categorize Tasks As Essential & Non-essential

The emails and requests that you receive throughout the day can be sorted into two categories – those that require immediate attention and those that don’t. Coming up with a system to organize and prioritize these tasks will go a long way in helping you distribute your time wisely. For example, you can flag “crucial” emails and shift the rest to a “read later” folder. Or, you can create a to-do list and rank items by highest-to-lowest priority. The best system is the one that works for you and allows you to stay organized, work to your strengths and move at an optimal pace. 

Birds of a Feather Should Be Grouped Together

Do you have errands to run, emails to send or phone calls to make? Optimize your time by grouping similar tasks together and completing them one after the other. You’ll feel so much better when you can put down the phone or close your email inbox for the remainder of the day. 

Don’t Try to Multitask 

The idea of multitasking is a misconception – even if our attention is bouncing from one task to the next, we’re still only completing one thing at a time. And if our attention isn’t focused on that one project, it likely will be done poorly and need fixing, costing more time in the long run. Instead of thinking two or three steps ahead, give each task your full attention and your best effort, and then move on to the next. Your to-do list will be done before you know it! 

Allow Yourself Regular Breaks

While you may feel you’re being more efficient by working through lunch or not pausing to clear your mind between projects, you’re more likely to hit a wall of fatigue and burnout before your work is done. Make sure you take at least one decent break – better yet, several small breaks throughout the day – and take some time to decompress before leaping to the next task. Your breaks will be even more effective if you take a walk outside to enjoy some fresh air and re-energize your body. 

Reward Yourself – You Deserve It!

Remember that dreaded task we recommended you complete at the start of the day? You can boost your motivation by establishing a reward to enjoy at the end of this, or any other, task. A reward could include messaging a friend or loved one or having your favorite drink or snack. Looking forward to that reward will keep you motivated and make your current task more bearable. 

Lean on Your Team

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider the nature of the tasks you need to complete. Do they absolutely have to be done by YOU? Maybe these are tasks that you’re accustomed to handling yourself or you feel you are the best candidate to get the job done right. Remember, you have a team at your side, and if there are any tasks that could be delegated, talk to your team about distributing the responsibility. That way, you’re free to focus on the tasks that truly need your attention.

The summer months can be a challenging time for productivity, with increased consumer demand, vacations and kids being out of school. Strategically organizing your workday can be a major asset to maintaining your productivity. It can also help your schedule stay flexible to handle any emergencies or last-minute tasks without disrupting the rest of your workflow. We know the tips we suggested are small, and that’s the point! They are easy to implement, and they make a BIG difference for your day. 

Dealer Spike wishes you a happy summer and successful sales season! We’re here to answer any questions you have about optimizing your dealership processes – at your store or online, so feel free to connect with Dealer Spike today.