How To Create Unique Content For Multi-location Dealerships

Jan. 24 2017 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

We've all encountered dealerships that have multiple stores in the same state or area with identical websites. They have the exact same information across not only their sites, but their social media pages and even tangible marketing resources as well, such as brochures and event flyers. While one uniform marketing presence certainly simplifies things, and it could even be argued that it's a cleaner and more streamlined marketing method, there is so much missed opportunity.

Surely each dealership location has its own unique personality and culture. The customers are different, the employees are different, the store itself is different - no doubt there is something unique to offer. This also makes a business more relatable. Today's customers respond very well to personalization, so naturally those customizations made for individual stores won't go unnoticed.

A great place to start in differentiation? Pictures! Imagery is considered a big-ticket item when it comes to website value. Google is always trying to determine how much value a site offers for its visitors, and a site will be rewarded in ranking for putting forth the extra effort. Even though each location may look similar - the same sign, logos, colors, maybe even building structure - the location's background will be different and the inside of the store must be different as well. Along with pictures that show each location individually, you can also boost search engine optimization (SEO) for your stores with each picture's title, description, and caption.

Share information about the city and/or community that each dealership location is in. The site's "About Us" page is a great spot for this, or at the bottom of the homepage. Not only will local customers likely enjoy and appreciate this, but it will help attract new local customers via search engine rankings as well.

Include a staff bio page or a "Get to Know Our Employees" page on your site. Encourage each employee (or the marketing specialist, if they are managing the task) to include plenty of information about themselves - background in the industry, hobbies and interests, even just quirky things about them. This content gets picked up for SEO benefits, and your customers get to become more familiar with your business.

Place customer testimonials that are specific to the location on each store's website. As we mentioned earlier, the customers and employees attached to each store are different, so testimonials will vary. Encourage customer comments by providing a simple form on your website for submitting feedback. You can also include a quick and easy link to the form within your marketing emails.

Promote events and specials that are specific to each dealership location. Again, this is about connecting with those customers who are loyal to a particular store, due to proximity or any other reason. While each dealership should have its own identity and connect to its own customers in a unique way, it is also possible to build a community that transcends across your brand. For example, host an event each month at a different dealership location and invite customers from the other stores to attend.

Not only is it beneficial for your website rankings and online visibility to vary your content and make each dealership its own, but it also helps your customers identify with their store of choice. Rise to the challenge of differentiating your dealership's online storefronts - with these tips it's simple to promote the individuality of your business locations.