Just like we encourage our dealers to do, Dealer Spike is committed to having an even more successful year in 2018. With our goals and resolutions for the year in place, we've come up with a plan to make it the best year yet. 

One way we plan to reach our customers more effectively - generating more engagement on this blog and through our other platforms by giving you timely content that you want to see! We've done our research to determine the best months and seasons to deliver educational information to all of you about the digital marketing strategies you need to drive traffic to your dealership website.

We are also excited to start the year off with a bang in terms of our products and services. More details will be revealed in the next few months, but you can expect to see improvements and updates in terms of your homepage slideshows, lead management tools, and finance applications. We are also launching a completely new product that will help with your content marketing strategy. And, last but not least: Some major updates to our own Dealer Spike website - and your industry websites - are coming in early 2018.

We're listening to you, dealers, and we want to deliver the tools that will best help you reach your goals in the new year. For any feedback or suggestions regarding our blog editorial calendar, product focuses, or new products and services, click the link below to send us an email! We would LOVE to hear from you. Happy New Year!