Unique Ways To Draw More Customers In With Email Marketing

Mar. 21 2017 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

Potential customers of yours receive marketing emails all day long. Depending on their interests, and willingness to hit that "subscribe" button, they could be getting over one hundred emails per day. After all the hard work you've put into your latest campaign, the last thing you want is for your email to go unnoticed. How do your marketing emails compete in a busy, crowded inbox?

Your best bet is to make your dealership's emails stand out - make sure that they are unique and interesting, so your recipients are sure to engage with them. Even better, deliver marketing emails that are appealing enough that your recipients actually look out for them and look forward to receiving them.

How do you stay creative with your email marketing strategy? Here are some ideas.

  • Provide more variety in email content. Maybe for each week of the month, your marketing email has a certain purpose or theme. For example, themes could include a sales incentive, inventory spotlight, event promotion, and customer of the month. Go a step further and change the layout and format of these emails too. Maybe you share a video of that featured customer instead of an image, or you provide an interactive campaign via social media for your upcoming event. Some consistency is good - your customers know there's a monthly special offer coming their way - but providing the same, templated content week after week and month after month will become stale. Surprise and delight your email recipients.
  • Give other team members at your dealership the opportunity to write, design, and/or provide ideas for your marketing emails. You may have a marketing manager or assistant who is in charge of these, or maybe you manage them yourself - but it's a smart idea to bring other team members into the process. Brainstorming sessions are always more effective with a diverse spread of ideas and personalities, so this is another useful strategy for providing variety in your emails.
  • Personalize your dealership's emails using more than just the recipient's name. Utilize email analytics software to track which recipients engage with certain types of email. You may find that some of your audience members respond very well to marketing emails written in a fun, playful tone, while others prefer a more professional style. Follow up on a successful sales promotion by providing those customers who clicked on it with a safety checklist for the unit. Think about the type of extra effort and are that you would appreciate if you were on the receiving end.
  • Your email's subject line is all that the recipient will see before clicking into your email, so of course it should be given a lot of thought. Testing out the effectiveness of different subject lines could be useful - you may find that a subject line in all caps doesn't perform well, but one that poses a question brings in great results. You could even get creative by adding symbols or an Emoji to your subject line for something unique, eye-catching, and fun.
  • Survey your audience to see what they like. This is the best way to make sure you're keeping things fresh and interesting for your email recipients - ask them! Consider sending out a survey-type email once per quarter, or try adding a question to your emails like, "Do you love reading stories about our staff members' involvement in the local community? Let us know!" Not only will this help you figure out what is and isn't resonating with your customers, but it will also ensure that your email recipients stay engaged in your campaigns. It's a win/win!

Businesses have the opportunity to draw a lot of attention through email campaigns, but it's also dangerously easy to fall into an email marketing rut. Doing your best to mix things up, think creatively, and respond to your audience will serve you well.